The 2017 UCI Urban Cycling World Championships bude benefitovat benefit z opravdu velkých prize money

UCI (Mezinárodní cyklistická federace) dnes uveřejnila informaci o celkových prize money pro chystané Urban Cycling World Championships v hodnotě €187,050 (pravděpodobně přepočet z Yuanů).

Závody se uskuteční v Čínském městě Chengdu mezi 8 a 12-tým listopadem. Celkem se mistrovství pořádá pro 3 disciplíny. Trial, BMX Freestyle Park a MTB Eliminator (XCE). Trialové závody se pojedou podle změněného formátu, který by měl více zapadnout do harmonogramu mistrovství. Všechny disciplíny budou časově navazovat a umožní tak divákům sledovat vše. Každá disciplína bude mít v Elitní kategorii prize money €10,000 rozdělených od 1 do 12-tého místa.

Program finálových jízd:

Trials – Team Event (15.00-17.00)

Trials – Men Junior 20″ (9.00-10.30)
Trials – Men Junior 26″ (10.30-12.00)
Trials – Women Elite (13.00-14.30)
Trials – Men Elite 20″ (14.30-16.00)
Trials – Men Elite 26″ (16.00-17.30)

BMX Freestyle Park – Women (12.00-12.45)
XCE – Women & Men (16.30-17.10)
BMX Freestyle Park – Men (17.20-18.10)

Detailní program eventu: Competition Guide.

Jak je patrné nebude možné startovat jak na horském kole, tak na 20″ speciálu. Zajímavá je také pokračování týmové soutěže, kde se ovšem obáváme, že Česká republika nebude mít dostatek jezdců pro závod. Kvalifikace pro závod je na národní úrovni. Semifinále je na 3 kola po 5 sekcích. Do finále postupuje 6 nejlepších jezdců a pořadí ze semifinále určuje pořadí startu ve finálových jízdách. Finále se jede na 1 kolo po 5-ti sekcích.

Vítězí jezdec s nejvyšším početem bodů. Sekce jsou 30-50m dlouhé složené z cca 6-ti překážek. Jezdci se počítá 10 bodů za projetí brány bez doteku země nohou. (počítá se na osu zadního kola) Jezdec může získat maximálně 5 trestných bodů. Pokud má 5 trestných bodů musí opustit sekci, ale doposud získané body mu zůstávají.



Zbytek informací v originálním článku níže

The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) is pleased to announce that a total prize fund of €187,050 will be on offer for participants at the 2017 UCI Urban Cycling World Championships, which will be held on 8th-12th November in Chengdu, China.

This prize money – which is unprecedented for the three disciplines represented (Trials, Mountain Bike Eliminator (XCE) and BMX Freestyle Park – will respect the principle of equality between genders and across the disciplines, which has been standard practice at all UCI World Championships since 2016. Each UCI Elite World Champion will receive a prize of €10,000. Equality of treatment will benefit to all competitors ranked from 1st to 12th place.

Full price grid is included in the Competition Guide.

These first-ever UCI Urban Cycling World Championships will take place over five days of competition on 8th-12th November, with the Trials competition kicking off the show. The BMX Freestyle Park will be held between the 10th and the 12th, while the XCE will close the event on the Sunday.

Programme of events (Finals)

8th November
Trials – Team Event (15.00-17.00)

11th November
Trials – Men Junior 20″ (9.00-10.30)
Trials – Men Junior 26″ (10.30-12.00)
Trials – Women Elite (13.00-14.30)
Trials – Men Elite 20″ (14.30-16.00)
Trials – Men Elite 26″ (16.00-17.30)

12th November
BMX Freestyle Park – Women (12.00-12.45)
XCE – Women & Men (16.30-17.10)
BMX Freestyle Park – Men (17.20-18.10)

The detailed programme is included in the Competition Guide.

Competition Format
Raced over short and technical courses in groups of four riders at a time, XCE is a mix of cross-country Olympic (type of course), and four-cross (format). BMX Freestyle Park is practised in skateparks, where competitors are judged on the tricks performed and their respective difficulty levels, but also on their originality and style. Trials consists of overcoming obstacles that are grouped into sections, without the rider’s foot or any part of the bike (except the wheels) touching the ground; such faults incur penalties.

The detailed format of competitions is included in the Competition Guide.

Participants will stay at the Longemont Hotel (No. 8 Jialingjiang Rd. Chenghua District, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China), at discounted rates offered by the UCI and the organiser (double room with breakfast):

5* – 450 Yuan (€60) 
4* – 300 Yuan (€40)
3* – 220 Yuan (€30)
Apartment – 220 Yuan (€30)

A free shuttle service will operate between the airport, the hotel, and the competition site.

UCI President Brian Cookson, said: “These UCI Urban Cycling World Championships are an historic moment for the Trials, Mountain Bike Eliminator and BMX Freestyle disciplines, as they are brought together for the first time at a single event and venue. It is also a watershed for our Federation, which aims to reach a young and urban audience by organising events in an urban environment. The significant financial contributions awarded to participants are a sign of the importance of these World Championships for the UCI. The equal prize money between genders reflects our commitment to the further development of women’s cycling across all its disciplines, and I thank the organiser for the efforts made in this regard.”